Nancy Cawdrey Biography scroll down to view works

Nancy Cawdrey

Nancy Cawdrey's portraits and landscapes are sensual, bold, and contemporary in their flair. They reflect the expansive vision of an artist who now lives in Montana and draws upon the rich cultures of France, England, and the Middle East, where she traveled and lived for many years with her parents. As an internationalist, Cawdrey uses German brushes to stroke French dyes across Chinese silk. She gives the refined tradition of silk painting a more rambunctious edge. She delights in perpetuating the symbolic power of myths such as cowboys, cowgirls, creatures from the forest, and grand vistas of the American West, which she believes is "larger than life."

Nancy was born in Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1948. She studied art at the American University in Paris and received studio instruction from French painters at the Sorbonne. Her work can be found in galleries in Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, and The West Lives On Gallery in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.